So how was your tax season? For myself and Dunkirk Systems, LLC, it was not bad, namely because we have a certified public accountant (or CPA for those of us acronymically inclined) who is also a certified QuickBooks consultant. As a result of the guidance and consulting he has provided over the years, year end is extremely straightforward.
When I started out in business, I realized I knew my strengths, and numbers isn’t one of them. I am not completely inept at accounting, but I just didn’t want to be laboring over numbers, I wanted the numbers to be laboring over me! I sought out such a professional, found one, and it is one of the best decisions I made.
There are many ways to run your business, and many ways to not run your business. Having a firm grasp on the numbers – not just your bank balances but what you owe in taxes as well – can be one of the best indicators on how you are doing on a day-to-day basis, as well as telling the overall health of your business. We hire lawyers for legal help and we go to doctors when we are sick. A good CPA who understands your business and how you manage it financially can be a trusted partner to your success.
Business •
Comments •
So, Mike, how did you find your CPA. Do you open your books wide open for them? Did they actually do your taxes, or do you still prepare them yourself? Is there a one time consulting fee, or do you pay a flat rate periodically? Inquiring minds want to know!

Comment by Don Pedro
on 04/29/08 at 10:20 AM
@Peter - I found my CPA thru networking, and he consults me on my business and does taxes for both and as he is a fellow entrepreneur, we have a great working relationship!

Comment by
Mike Maddaloni
on 04/29/08 at 01:12 PM
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