Goodbye Hello iGoogle

By Mike Maddaloni on Saturday, June 28, 2008 at 01:22 PM with 10 comments

After much deliberation, I have replaced with iGoogle. As I lamented previously, MyWay, a news and information portal, replaced their highly-functional stock portfolio system with a widget from Scottrade. As a result, the ability to manage multiple lists of stock and funds went away for a Flash object that forces you to scroll rather to seeing everything at once. This move, plus the fact they did not inform users and a general lack of innovation over the years forced me to look elsewhere. As comments to my original post show, I was not alone.

Here’s a screenshot of the top of my old MyWay page:

Mike's old MyWay screen

And here’s a screen shot of the top of my new iGoogle page:

Mike's new iGoogle screen

I was always aware of iGoogle as I have a Google account. However my initial reaction to it when it launched a while back was to not drink anymore Google Kool-Aid than I had to! With MyWay’s move, I decided to give it another, objective look, and I liked what I saw. I was able to configure iGoogle with news sources and categories of information as I had with MyWay, and then some. The portfolio feature I lost with MyWay I was able to restore with iGoogle.

iGoogle allows a user to add a “gadget” which can be news headlines, sports scores, RSS feeds, games, et. al. There were gadgets for headlines from newspapers like the Chicago Tribune as well as international media sources. You can even develop your own gadgets for potential inclusion. You can also customize the presentation of information with themes. I haven’t experimented with themes much as I was focused on content, and there’s still a lot of widgets for me to look into.

If you use MyWay, I recommend taking a look at iGoogle. I still have my MyWay account, and will probably hold on to it for a while as a backup.

Technology • (10) CommentsPermalink


I was a portal fan for years. I thought they were pretty innovative. iGoogle came along and since I was such a heavy Google user, it became a good portal that had all my stuff in one easy to look up place. I definitely recommend people to check it out.

Picture of Pek Pongpaet Comment by Pek Pongpaet
on 06/28/08 at 11:15 PM

Good timing for bailing out of

Over the last week or so my incoming email delivery has suddenly slowed to .......... almost nothing. What little gets through has been spooled for hours, indicating severe problems. Moreover, emails to support are bounced or timed out (indicating full inbox or other inattention).

I wouldn’t be surprised if they fold up real soon.

Picture of Mike Comment by Mike
on 08/23/08 at 11:25 PM

Hi Mike - I have only used email as a backup, and not much as that.

Allow me to suggest registering your own domain name for mail and setup forwarding to, or elsewhere, so you retain control of your email.  Search The Hot Iron on Domain Names as I have written quite a bit on it.

Good luck…


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 08/24/08 at 12:06 PM

Have used for a few years and now am going to switch to something else for a home page.  My-way has lost my sports teams and the market report is non-existant.  The Weather for various cities was stuck on the same temps for a month.  There is noone or place to click on to report this.

Picture of ted bucholz Comment by ted bucholz
on 08/27/08 at 01:37 PM

Hi Ted - I, and others, share your pain.  It looks like has slipped in priority in the “mighty” Barry Diller empire.


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 08/28/08 at 09:00 AM

I am 73 years old.
Here is a copy of what I sent to my son.

From: “Mark Brown” (email address edited)
Subject: Scream, yell, rant, rave…..

I knew it would happen.  MYWAY decided to upgrade to new and exciting features.  It is now completely unusable AND they completely lost all of my contact e-mail addresses !!!!!
Please supply:
Your best e-mail address or addresses.

Note my Yahoo address
I tried to set up GMAIL but after half an hour and getting their thumbs up, I was unable to log onto it.  It would seem there is a crying need for “Senior EMail”.  Scream, yell, rant, rave…..

Your disabled Dad.

If you would like to check out the new MYWAY try (email address edited)  (password is (password edited)).  Most times it just times out.  When it works, it’s unusable.

Picture of Mark Brown Comment by Mark Brown
on 09/13/08 at 11:37 AM

About two or three weeks ago, myway announced it was upgrading its email service.

There have been no subsequent status announcements, but I’ve had the same problems others here have had.

I’ve used, with very few problems, for several years. But i run a very popular blog and must have a reliable email service.

I’m going to give them a few more days, but if it doesn’t straighten out soon, I’ll get my way elsewhere, I’m sure.

Picture of ddjango Comment by ddjango
on 09/13/08 at 05:42 PM

@Mark - I am sorry to hear you are having these problems.  You may want to move on now before you are stuck without reliable service.

@ddjango - You are generous to give more time, but for you too it is probably time to move on…


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 09/15/08 at 12:37 PM

I was a portal fan for years. I thought they were pretty innovative. iGoogle came along and since I was such a heavy Google user, it became a good portal that had all my stuff in one easy to look up place. I definitely recommend people to check it out.

Picture of mini free games Comment by mini free games
on 10/02/08 at 09:50 AM is a very good site. The site directories it describes also very useful. But you described a lot of other features and it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing your views.

Picture of Stefani Comment by Stefani
on 12/24/08 at 06:57 AM

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