You Are The Light

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, March 05, 2007 at 07:42 AM with 2 comments

The Olympics are coming... well, the committee from the US Olympics organization that will be choosing between Chicago and Los Angeles for the US entry for the 2016 summer Olympics is coming. They will arrive on Tuesday, and are promised to be given the red-carpet treatment by the city organization that has well-packaged plans and millions of dollars in the bank to make it happen.

The Sears Tower will feature the Chicago Olympics logo projected over 20 stories on its north side. Several weeks back I was in Millennium Park and saw workers testing a similar logo on the side of the AON Center. Here’s how I was able to capture it with my Treo smartphone:

photo of Chicago 2016 logo on AON Center

Do I want the Olympics to come to Chicago? Of course! It will be a boost for the local and regional economy, not to mention property values. Though it is difficult for me to determine if I will be here in Chicago – we are talking about an event nine years from now, and nine years ago I had no idea I would be in Chicago!

As for the title of this blog post – You Are The Light is the name of the Olympic fanfare song; you can hear the trumpets right now in your head.

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Are blog calendars useful?

By Mike Maddaloni on Sunday, March 04, 2007 at 01:37 PM with 3 comments

Many blogs feature a calendar of the current month, where days are bolded to indicate one or more blog posts were written that day.

When I setup The Hot Iron, one of the first things I did was to remove the calendar, and I have done so on other blogs. I did not see a value in the calendar, especially compared with lists of categories and most recent posts. I am now seeing more blogs without calendars.

So what do you think? Would a calendar add value to this blog?

Technology • (3) CommentsPermalink

The Non-Personal Touch

By Mike Maddaloni on Saturday, March 03, 2007 at 01:15 PM with 0 comments

The other day I got a letter from a vendor whose name I will purposely withhold. By the nature of their business, my relationship with them is always personal. The letter I received was addressed to, "Dear Valued Client."

Am I really a valued client? They have my contact information to generate the mailing label that went on the envelope. How hard was it to do a mail-merge and address the letter personally to me?

Perhaps the letter was misaddressed after all?

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Nickels Don’t Shred Well

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, March 02, 2007 at 09:09 AM with 3 comments

I shred about 80% of the postal mail I receive. Most of the items chewed up by my shredder are the old stand-bys – offers for credit cards and insurance – and a few are for charities I have never heard of. As my intuition on junk mail has heightened over the years, many of these go right into the shredder without being opened.

The other day, my shredder stopped in the middle of shredding an item. When I pulled it out, I saw a shiny new Jefferson nickel in the address window. A nickel? Messaging inside the envelope mentioned something about sending the nickel back to the charity, accompanied by many more.

Just as spammers are trying to get their message across, so are snail mailers. Continuing that comparison, are nickels the new Trojan files attached to email? I cannot recall the name of the charity that sent that mailing with the nickel, and they certainly did not get it or a red cent from me.

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GMail Going the Way of

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 11:31 AM with 7 comments

Recently I wrote about the canceling of the use of domain names by Internet providers, sending their users into a tailspin to change their email address and notify all of their contacts of the change. Now it seems like Google may be the next to do so.

The search giant lost the trademark rights to the GMail name in the UK, and the company that won the case is now taking the case to the US. This article on the GMail trademark case outlines much of the detail that led to Google losing the case.

Yet another reason to own your own domain name!

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