In The Morning

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, April 06, 2020 at 08:52 PM with 0 comments

photo of Lone Peak at Big Sky Montana

What the hell have I gotten myself into? I was just looking for a place to stay!

These were just some of the thoughts racing through my head as I was white-knuckling the drive to our hotel outside of Bozeman, Montana as part of our family cross-country road trip. We were booking hotels along the way and The Lodge at Big Sky was the closest hotel available to Bozeman, where we planned to anchor our trip to Yellowstone National Park. We didn’t get to Bozeman until sunset, and by the time we went thru the city and towards our hotel it was pitch black – too dark for my liking with trailer trucks coming and going around us. The fact we had no sense of where we were truly heading added no comfort either.

What was in actuality under an hour drive seemed like an eternity, and upon arrival I was drained. Soon after we checked in and arrived at our room, a corner suite with high ceilings and big windows. About all we could see outside at this hour was a firepit on the patio below us. Closing the curtains, I thought about warming by the fire with adult beverages the following night.

In the morning we slowly rose and I made my way to the lobby for coffee. Back at the room we were slowly rustling the children for our day trip to Yellowstone, and I decided to shed a little light on the situation. Fumbling with the curtains until I found the pull rods, in unison I pulled them apart, opening them not only to a bright sunny day but one of the most beautiful natural sights I’ve ever seen.

In awe, I grabbed my phone and snapped the picture at the opening of this post. It is Lone Peak, part of the Big Sky ski resort. Of course, I say this with great knowledge now, but I had no idea where we were heading or what we would encounter once the new day arrived. We bookmarked these views and prepared for our trip to see Old Faithful, and ended up spending another day and night longer to explore the beauty of this area. What was pure chance became a highlight of the journey.

Recounting this story – and this is my deconstruction as well – I am reminded that you never know what will arrive in the morning. Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of stress, but some bright spots as well, as we adjust to events we have no control over. In telling this tale from last summer I am offering hope – to you my fair reader, and to myself especially.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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What I Learned This Week For April 3 2020

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, April 02, 2020 at 11:36 PM with 2 comments

photo of sign at Jacob’s Meat Market

Around the house and with minimal trips off the property to gather nourishment and supplies, my notes app was open and ready to gather those a-ha moments of the past week.

  • First a correction to last week’s account that there’s not enough ground beef or turkey in my area. There is plenty of ground beef at Jacob’s Meat Market in Appleton, Wisconsin. But honestly, you’ll want to go there for their own house-cured bacon.
  • CO2 containers are considered a hazardous product. Fortunately the people at Soda Sense, a relatively-new company about a half-hour north of me in Green Bay, know all about this. They offer a refill/exchange service by FedEx for the CO2 canisters for SodaStream machines. Not only do I get local spring water for my homemade seltzer, but the bubbles are locally sourced too.
  • To help pass time, or perhaps simply to mix up the time more, I am finding many offerings of activity sheets. Two of my favorites are from Adam J. Kurtz and Riot Fest.
  • I haven’t been listening to as many podcasts lately, and I get reminded of it every time I get an alert for a new podcast, or see online someone I know starting their own podcast.
  • About 2 months ago I joined a co-working space, World HeadQuarters, as a way to get out of the house and work from their unique space. It’s closed these days, however they are offering members resources including a weekly Webinar. In the first one 2 weeks ago I suggested having a virtual “brown bag lunch” where someone gives a short presentation followed by discussion. So it was only fitting I did the first one this past week on the topic of Web Accessibility. I’ll write more about this soon, but it was a great opportunity to do a presentation and sharpen that skill.
  • The popular Webinar service Zoom has a status page, which you can subscribe to by email or RSS feed, the latter I am doing as, well, I am all about RSS feeds.
  • Recently when I get in my car, rather that the Bluetooth picking up the latest podcast I was listening to (or as I said before, not listening to), it will play a random song from my phone. Yesterday it started playing Gypsy from 8th Route Army, an alternative rock band from Springfield, MA back in the 80’s. They were huge locally there and started touring with major label bands, but then broke up. In addition to wearing out their albums on my college radio show I worked at the same place as the lead singer and got to know him. I found Gypsy on YouTube, and you can listen to this instrumental song from over 30 years ago as I did – or watch the embedded video below.

Until next week...

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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A Personal Business Dilemma

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, March 30, 2020 at 10:06 PM with 0 comments

dilemma word cloud

There is a saying that goes, “it’s not personal, it’s business.” Where events occur to the benefit of the business, often times they are done or decisions are made because of the people involved. This following is a true story of a case of the latter.

When I had my Web consulting business, I often partnered with an awesome graphic design firm to develop a Web site. The principal of that firm is someone I met shortly after I started my business. I grew to greatly trust her design and business judgment and enjoyed working with her and her growing firm. Through this we also became friends.

Projects we partnered on usually came as a lead from one of us, and the other would support it. Once such lead was a firm she had worked with for years, providing design services to them and their clients. As she had a very good relationship with this firm, I knew that in partnering with her on this proposal, I surely didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that relationship. Little did I know I would be put to the test on this.

So far, so good

We had a pre-proposal meeting with the firm and I felt it went well. There were 2 people from the firm, myself and my design partner over the phone. As we started the manager from the firm mentioned he was originally from Boston, as I was as well as my colleague from the design firm, and as a result I brought up the resurgent New England Patriots football team. That personalizing, I felt, went well. Though the other person from the firm in the meeting scowled – perhaps she was a Chicago Bears fan? In any case, it was never my intention to or did I feel I overplayed the connection.

As the meeting progressed we learned more about the current Web site, a portal for their clients, and what they were looking for from the next generation of this technology. During the discussion I asked them for a test user login so that I could go back to my office and go through the site in more detail. When they obliged and gave me one, they also offered for me to have a login for their FTP server; if you don’t know what this means, it’s a rather big deal! They basically have me the keys to their kingdom – FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and with this login I could access all of the code for their site and even create a local copy of the site to further analyze it. An offer for this level of access rarely happens at this early stage of the proposal process, especially with nothing formal in writing with them.

After the meeting we debriefed and expressed disbelief that we got the FTP server login, then focused on the structure of the proposal and hopeful project. We decided I would take the lead and the proposal would be from my firm. Next we put in the time, created the proposal, reviewed and reviewed it and when we were ready I sent it to the firm by email. And as we did with any such proposal, we would wait. As best said by the late, great Tom Petty, the waiting is the hardest part.

The Unexpected Phone Call

One day the phone rang and it was a friend of mine. I met him through the tech community and we became friends. We never worked on a project together, though we often discussed business, technology and life and were sounding boards to each other. As the call began and we exchanged peasantries I asked him, “what’s up?” There was silence on the other end of the line and I got a sense he was hesitating at what to say. Then he came out and said what I will paraphrase here but this was very close to it. He said, “Mike, I don’t another way to say this, but I just saw a copy of the proposal you sent to that firm.”

Uh, what?

He was prepared for my shock and the crack in my voice, and I could tell he wasn’t happy being the bearer of bad news. However it was something he had to tell me. In short, a friend of his, whom I met previously, showed him a copy of the proposal we had sent to the firm, asking my friend, “hey, don’t you know him (referring to me)?” Apparently the firm had given it to other firms and Web freelancers, asking them to bid on the project based on our detailed proposal.

Uh, what?

Well, that’s not exactly what I said, for my brain felt like it got slammed with a tidal wave. A tidal wave of thoughts, emotions, words, random sounds… I wasn’t prepared for this, but in hindsight it was the best way to hear about it – from a friendly, sympathetic source, when I was in my home office where nobody would see what I could only imagine was also a tidal wave of facial expressions. My friend couldn’t see the tidal wave over the phone but he knew it hit me, as he was just as shocked by this as he created detailed proposals himself, and would have felt the same had our roles been in reverse.

We talked for a bit more, and I am sure he wanted to make sure I wasn’t climbing out on any ledges. After the call I decided to take a long walk as I could use the exercise and mental cleansing that it offered to clear my head before I had to tell my friend the designer what happened.

But before I called her I realized I had a decision to make. How would I react to this? Would I react? Do I just pretend it didn’t happen? Do I confront them? Do I drop it and not contact them? Or do I pursue the project anyway? Or was there some middle ground? The more I thought about it, I decided I would simply drop it. And I could sum it up in one word – relationship.

I was fortunate, as I stated earlier, to have a great working relationship and friendship with her. She had a great relationship with this firm. I clearly had zero relationship with this firm. For myself, there would be truly nothing to gain from this, even if I called them and told them to fuck off! On the other hand, any action I took could have a negative impact on the relationship between her and I, and could have made a bad situation even worse. This of course was my stance, and I was eager to now talk with her as I had come to peace with this unwanted decision.

Another Unwanted But Important Call

When I called her she was actually expecting me to have good news about the proposal, as it had been a while. I don’t recall the exact words I said, but I was pretty much recalled the story as it was told to me. On the other end of the phone was the sound of a similar tidal wave hitting her, with similar shock and disbelief as we both commiserated about this.

Discussing it further, she was leaning towards confronting them about this awkward situation – not in a combative manner, but being matter of fact about it. When I told her about my decision, she was surprised. Not say anything at all? As I explained why jeopardize her established business with this firm as well, it of course resonated with her, but she still felt really bad about what happened. She never thought this firm would act this way as this was never her experience with them. In the end we both agreed to not say anything, and move on.

It’s all good

Eventually we both got over this and went back to work, later collaborating on several great projects. Years later I recalled this event to a friend who is a lawyer who has his own practice and many small business clients. He had a similar reaction as I did to what happened, but concurred with the conclusion. Could I have sued? Sure. Would I have collected enough in damages to make it worth my while? Doubtful. Would the lawyer representing me made any money? Sure, but I digress.

In the end I had a good story and lesson to tell, and a relationship worth keeping, and fortunately no further contact for me with that firm.

Deconstructing Business vs. Personal

Every day we are all confronted with decisions to make – most minor and a few major. Where some don’t require a lot of thought, for those that do, keeping in mind the big picture of where you are and where you are going is paramount. In this case, I stepped back and used that big picture perspective, and I was pleased with the results.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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What I Learned This Week For March 27 2020

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 08:43 PM with 1 comments

photo of a soccer goal box

If a day goes by where you don’t learn something new, what good is it really? Sometimes that new nugget of knowledge is welcomed and cherished, and sometimes it is scary as all hell and you wished you didn’t know it. Nonetheless, learning is what we do on this journey of life, whether we like it or not.

I opened a post titled What I Learned This Week So Far This Year For January 10 2014 with the same paragraph above, where I chronicled on a Friday what I learned over the past week. I have thought about doing this again for a while, and with my renewed interest in writing, I restart sharing what I learned below. And don’t worry, it won’t be filled solely with things I learned as a result of being at home under lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic!

So here goes:

  • When something says it can be installed in “minutes,” it usually doesn’t say how many, or how many hours which also consist of minutes.
  • There’s plenty of ground pork in supermarkets these days, ground beef and ground turkey not so much. I heard about this on the No Agenda podcast, and found it to be the case myself for now locally in Northeast Wisconsin.
  • Virtual karate lessons can actually work.
  • There are Microsoft Office mobile apps, at least for the iPhone. Where I don’t think I would want to use them for creating a document or spreadsheet, they work well for searching a document on the go as well as printing one right from your smartphone.
  • A colleague Raj taught me a trick for inserting common phrases you use in an email using Microsoft Outlook and its autocorrect feature. For example, he will type “please#” (without the quotes) and it will insert a sentence “Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.” I had never heard of this hack, and am setting these up as there’s many phrases or sentences I manually type over and over.
  • Just when I thought voting in Wisconsin couldn’t get any easier (you can register to vote on election day at your polling place), you can now request an absentee ballot online. In order to do so, you must upload a copy of your driver’s license or state ID, which I have found many people don’t know how to do that when I tell them about it. I do and I did, and got my ballot a few days later.
  • My friend Eric wanted to contribute something positive to the fears many have over the coronavirus pandemic, so he hosted a Webinar with friends of his who are a police officer, EMT and nurse. He recorded it and you can watch the webinar here.
  • Beginning this year, some Web browsers will limit the length of a registration of a Web site SSL certificate to 1 year. If you have a Web site and don’t know what this means, ask whomever created or manages it.

Maybe you learned something new yourself? Please share your thoughts in the comments of this post.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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My Takeaways From The Silence Of The Wave

By Mike Maddaloni on Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 04:38 PM with 0 comments

photo of the back cover of The Silence of the Wave

When I sat down to write what you are reading now, I wasn’t exactly sure how to start it. I always try to write a clever opener, and after reading The Silence of the Wave by Gianrico Carofiglio, I thought that opener would have come a little more easily. Most of the books I read are business-related or guides of some sort, and I don’t read a lot of novels. Is this why I struggled with this?

As I write takeaways because I feel I am not the reviewer-type, I certainly had takeaways from this novel. It is a story of a former police officer in Rome, Roberto Marias, who treks across the Italian city each week to meet with his psychotherapist. Over the course of his visits he meets another patient of the doctor and a young boy, and the complexities of their lives become intertwined in his own, leading to a great plot twist at the end.

My takeaways are from the story and the book itself.

A translated novel can be engaging – Despite my 100% Italian-American heritage, I never learned Italian. It’s times like this, reading a novel translated from Italian to English, where I wish I could read and speak the language, so I could compare The Silence of the Wave in each language. That being said, the story was still compelling and enjoyable. I never read a translated work before, and I am inclined to do so again.

People need second chances – For reasons I won’t get into here to not spoil the plot, Roberto is no longer a police officer. Though he is not employed in his former career, he still thinks and acts like an officer of the law. Where he may not execute his former job completely going forward, there is no reason why he can’t be in a role where he can use his skills.

I need to read more novels – In a past takeaway I said this, but it has been a while since I have immersed myself in a long-form story, with the closest being issues of the literary magazine december I subscribe to. Even though I was stuck on the opening of this post, reading this story helped free my mind of how it usually processes thoughts.

The author Carofiglio has written other novels as well as a series of crime novels, and I am inclined to read others of his after reading The Silence of the Wave. Special thanks to Nick who sent me this book; I saw him post a write-up of it online, and when I asked him about the book, he dropped in the mail to me. Grazie Mille! As for who I will pass this along to, it is going to my Mother-in-Law, whom I hope enjoys it as much as I did.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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