Dell Vostro 130 Unboxing Video
Dell’s Vostro line of PCs was created for the small business market, lower-priced PCs without all of the extra software. This resonated with me as I have purchased several for my Web consulting firm. Along with the low price came low design – basic black machines, whether desktop or notebook, without much for style.
When I was asked if I wanted to evaluate Dell’s latest release in the Vostro 130, I jumped at the chance. I have seen ads on bus kiosks around Chicago for the 130, which looked like a slim, sleek model, and it came in red. It arrived the other day from the Zocalo Group, and here’s a video of me unboxing the Dell Vostro 130, and my first impressions of it.
First, I will apologize as this was the worst unboxing video I have ever made! I will do better next time, but I digress. Shortly after unboxing it I charged it up and installed Skype to test out the built-in Web camera, which worked very well. I will be testing it out over the next few weeks and will report back my thoughts, and will probably include some pictures, especially comparing it with my Vostro 1410.
Have you used the Vostro 130? Do you have any questions on it that you would like me to check out while evaluating it?
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Next likemind Chicago on Friday February 18
The next likemind will be Friday, February 18, 2011 in dozens of cities around the world.
In Chicago, it will be at Argo Tea, 140 S Dearborn St. at the corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets in the Loop from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
I call likemind a gathering of creative-minded people, from various disciplines including Internet, advertising, art, social media, et. al. For more on likemind, read this great article on likemind Chicago from the Newcity and likemind from the New York Times.
Follow @likemindchicago on Twitter.
Watch for future date announcements at - and Web site coming soon at that address!
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Nokia E7 Design Video Sneak Peek
Despite news and opinion out there regarding Nokia, one thing most everyone agrees with (realizing not everyone agrees with anything!) is that Nokia has some innovative designs for their mobile devices. This holds true for the Nokia E7, which I had the chance to get my hands on when I was in Berlin in November at Microsoft TechEd as a guest of Nokia.
Tomorrow, February 4, 2011 a new video is being released by Nokia on the design of the E7. However, I got a link to the video ahead of this release, and it is available for viewing now. You can view the embedded video below, or click this link to watch the Nokia E7 Design video on YouTube.
Thanks to the folks at WOMWorld/Nokia for sending me this sneak peek video link.
As to when the E7 will officially launch and be available in the US among other countries remains to be seen, unfortunately. Back in November, I was told it would be released “Christmastime” but shortly afterwards it was announced there were production delays. Once it is available, I hope to get my hands on an actual model and give it an actual run. In the meantime, this video will have to do.
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QR Code T-Shirt
For my first example of a QR code in action, I chose a medium displaying one which people may not think about – clothing. We have seen QR codes on signs, posters and flyers, but how about t-shirts? In the photo below, that’s me on the right, sporting a QR code t-shirt, and I am with Dennis Bournique at the Nokia E72 Mode beach Party last summer.
The t-shirt was given to me by, a UK-based firm that puts QR codes on apparel. When scanned, this QR code takes you to my Twitter account, @thehotiron.
A QR code on clothing will get people’s attention. On this shirt, it’s a decent size on the front of the t-shirt. Another great place to put one is on the back, as reinforcement for any messaging on the front of the t-shirt. Of course if you are walking around with a QR code on your t-shirt, don’t be surprised if someone stops you to scan it, as that’s how they will be able to scan it.
QR codes on t-shirts and other apparel can be used for promotions or games, where people in a defined area will wear them and scan each other’s as part of the game. They can also be a variation on the traditional brand tag.
Would you wear a QR code on a t-shirt? Are there other reasons for wearing one? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
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QR Codes In Action On The Hot Iron Every Week
There is no shortage of discussion on QR codes. Whether people are asking what the heck they are to weighing the merits of using them, QR codes are a phenomenon that is not going away any time soon. How far they go is very much part of the discussion.
QR codes tie the offline and online worlds with simplicity. By scanning them with your smartphone (or even Web cam) you will get information – from a URL to a full contact record to a short message. This is my definition, and there are many out there. But rather than focus on the ultimate definition for a QR code, I’d rather show how they are being used.
Starting today and every Wednesday I will show a QR code in action. Each post will feature a picture of a QR code I take over the course of my day. I will describe how it is being used, and of course provide any commentary as appropriate.
Watch for QR Codes in Action here at The Hot Iron as part of the regular RSS feed or by viewing just the QR Codes in Action posts. I welcome your comments and questions, and if you want to learn more how you can use QR codes for your business, please contact us at Dunkirk Systems, LLC.
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