My First House Concert Experience

By Mike Maddaloni on Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 11:53 PM with 8 comments

photo of Steve LawsonSo I arrive at the venue after trudging through the snow. I ring the bell and someone greets me who has no idea who I am. As I enter, I see the opening act setting up. I grab a beer and get a place to sit as the lights dim and the first act starts. Oh, I forgot to mention that I rang the bell and was warmly greeted by the owner of what was a house in a nice neighborhood who was also the lead singer of the opening band. The beer I brought myself, and I sat on a nice rug just feet from the other side of the living room where the bands were setup. This is what is called a house concert.

The concept of a house concert was something completely new to me, as well as for the other attendees that night. It was held by The Locals a Chicago alternative rock band. They performed followed by Steve Lawson and his lovely wife Lobelia Lawson. It was from Steve I heard about the house concert – he and I met at Nokia OpenLab this fall in Helsinki and he talked about his house concert “tour” in several US cities over Twitter. Most all of the others in attendance were friends and fans of The Locals.

House concerts are apparently something big in the UK, from where Steve and Lobelia hail. Which is not surprising, because a lot of cool things come from Europe and Asia and find their way to the US, but I digress. The advantage of a house concert is that it is a small, intimate audience in a comfortable setting that is not filled with smoke or overpriced beverages, not to mention the up-close and personal relationship the audience has with the artists themselves and vice-versa, which for me was they key for this.

photo of The LocalsTwo sets comprised the evening, one by The Locals and the other by Steve and Lobelia, the latter alternating between solos by each as well as duets. As someone who spent most of his college days in the late 80’s in the radio station studios, I loved The Locals. They are a 3-piece band, with Yvonne as vocals and guitar, Christy as bass and Kirk on percussion. Yvonne’s voice reminded me a lot of Kristen Hersh. They played mostly their own, awesome original songs as well as a cover of the Heat Mizer song. They didn’t do Snow Miser because they like the hotter sibling of Mother Nature better! For a better idea of their music check out The Locals Web site.

Though I met Steve at OpenLab, I hadn’t heard his music until after I got back from the event. Even after hearing his, it wasn’t until I saw him perform that I truly appreciated his art. He plays the bass unlike I have seen before, and it’s hard for me to describe it. On his Web site’s home page is the words “New-Age Post-Rock Ambient-Jazz Solo-Bass” and if that’s not enough of a hook I don't know what is. He uses equipment and looping techniques to make it sound like there’s more than one musician playing.

Lobelia is an amazing singer and guitar player. She has a very soulful sound and her own original songs reflected this. Her cover of “You Spin Me Round” by Dead or Alive had everyone who was a fan of the 80’s in disbelief! She has also learned looping techniques from her husband and integrated them well into one of her own songs. Check out her Web site and listen!

photo of Lobelia Lawson Mike Maddaloni and Steve LawsonNeedless to say, it was a unique event and wished it didn't end. It was great to see Steve again and meet Lobelia. I also appreciated the hospitality of The Locals and got to know of a great local band. As I was leaving, I made a comment how there should be more house concerts, but being in Chicago I bet the pols would find a way to try to regulate and of course tax it! I got a few hisses from people, but Steve acknowledged that this is also happening in the UK. But in these times where thinking outside of the box is required, I hope more will be able to experience a house concert soon!

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Use Domain Names To Directly Navigate Within A Large Web Sites

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 at 05:10 AM with 3 comments

Web sites can vary in size. In some cases, you may want to take a Web visitor deep within a Web site without having them click multiple times to navigate through content they don’t need to see. You can do this 2 ways – 1 way is to publish a long URL that is to the exact location of the content, the other is to use a domain name that redirects to that long URL.

This came to mind recently when I saw a commercial for Shell promoting a concept called “Real Energy” where at the end they displayed the following URL verbatim:

The announcer read the URL as follows:

“Shell dot com US real energy”

Note the announcer did not read the slashes! Where this is not incorrect, wouldn’t it have been more effective if it was displayed and read as Note that as of this writing, this is an unregistered domain name.

If this domain name was used, it could have server multiple purposes. On a quick Web search, there are other versions of this commercial for other countries. By going to one domain name, it could have first loaded a Web page that could have detected where the Web visitor was coming from and automatically directed them to the appropriate country’s Web page? Or it could have displayed a map or list of countries for the Web visitor to select from.

One address, multiple destinations, all thanks to a domain name. I wonder if Shell will go out and register the domain name now?

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What I Didn’t Blog On Last Year

By Mike Maddaloni on with 5 comments

There’s nothing like starting the new year than with a clean slate. But what if there are things on the slate, what are you to do? Do you simply discard them and start new, or make them your new tasks for the year?

As I was working over the holidays to hit the ground running this week, I found a task in my to-do system where I had over 50 ideas for blog posts! As I scrolled through them, they were all great ideas. So what do I do – delete it and start fresh?

I have decided to keep the list around and use it when I lack inspiration. I may use them verbatim or as a catalyst for another idea. As they had some meaning at some point, there’s no reason why they are no longer valid. Right?

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Next likemind Chicago on Friday January 16

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, January 05, 2009 at 05:00 AM with 1 comments

likemind.chi logoThe next likemind will be Friday, January 16, 2009 in dozens of cities around the world.

In Chicago, it will be at Spa Cafe, 112 W. Monroe, between Clark and LaSalle Streets in the Loop at 8:00 am. Check out the Spa Cafe Web site for more information, and you can find your way with a Google Map to Spa Cafe here.

I call likemind a gathering of creative-minded people, from various disciplines including Internet, advertising, art, social media, et. al.

No RSVP is required. You are also welcome to join the likemind Chicago Facebook group.

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The Hot Iron at 2

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, January 02, 2009 at 01:36 PM with 5 comments

Today, January 2, 2009, marks the second anniversary of my first blog post at The Hot Iron. Now 2 years later and this marking 420 posts, it has been an interesting journey to say the least.

Why I Blog

Many people ask me why I blog, which is a perfectly sensible question. I initially got into blogging in order to practice what I preach at my Internet consulting firm Dunkirk Systems, LLC. I use The Hot Iron as well as sourcegate and Out In The Loop as testbeds for ideas and functions to deploy for clients. As well, I have something I want to say, and as talking to yourself is still looked upon as strange behavior, what a better thing to do than have conversations with others?

Thoughts on 2008

Don’t worry, I will not do a thorough analysis of the 200+ blog posts I have written over the last year. The past year was a good year. I did well with in my business, but blogging took a backseat, especially at the midway point of the year after the birth of my daughter. Usually I would get up early and write a blog post as I was preparing my workday. In the latter part of the year, I blogged when I could.

The highlight for me and blogging was when I was asked to attend Nokia’s first OpenLab event in Helsinki, Finland. How else would have I had been found other than my blog? Through the blogs of the attendees I got to know who else was going, and I continue to follow their thoughts and ideas.

Thoughts on 2009

For the most part, I plan to keep doing what I am doing, hopefully with a little more frequency. Any changing in my blogging will more than likely be the result of any changes in my business.

I also invite all of you reading to comment. Maybe I have not compelled you to in what I write, or maybe you are shy. In either case, it’s always nice to hear who’s out there!

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