My Takeaways From Desk 88

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, November 03, 2021 at 10:36 PM with 0 comments

photo of back cover of Desk 88

Many terms can apply to political institutions throughout the world – some I can say here on this blog, some I choose not to. One word can apply to them all, a word which I have observed myself personally – tradition. Whether for everyone or just for those who hold office themselves, activities have happened in these legislative bodies over the years that continue throughout their existence.

A tradition in the US Senate is where Senators sign the drawer of their desk in the Senate chamber. One desk is number 88, which has been occupied by members of the Democratic party. The current occupant of the desk, Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, wrote a book several years back about some of the people who preceded him there in the aptly titled Desk 88: Eight Progressive Senators Who Changed America.

When I, someone who does not align with any political persuasion, received this book from a friend who is closely aligned in political ideology with the Senators in the book, I was intrigued about what I would learn and, of course, take away from the stories.

History through a partisan lens – Senator Brown is a progressive Democrat and he doesn't hide that fact. That being said, I was able to separate historical details and tales from his opinion and did learn about the individuals who sat at this desk over the years. What I read also inspired me to do other research on these Senators outside of the book. As I digested these stories from the book, I was reminded of another book I read, The Fight for the Four Freedoms, which was written by a college professor who also had strong political opinion woven through its pages.

A former KKK member was on the Supreme Court – Senator Hugo Black of Alabama, who was later nominated to the US Supreme Court by President Franklin Roosevelt, was previously a member of the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK as it’s abbreviated. In his story, Brown opens stating Black’s membership, saying political motivation drove him and said Black didn’t really have a choice in order to fulfill him political ambitions. Clearly I don’t buy that justification! Black most certainly had a choice not to join a domestic terrorism organization. As this book was written in the early days of the cancel culture that has sadly permeated our society, to simply gloss over Black’s one-time membership in the Klan, though he later renounced it, is hypocritical.

A fitting bible quote – I noted the following bible quote from the book, "for they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." - Hosea 8:7. This is very applicable for the spin and churn that goes on daily in Washington, DC that yields little to nothing.

Where Desk 88 is a partisan book, I did enjoy the anecdotes and tales told to Sherrod first hand from people who personally knew the subjects of the book, from Robert F. Kennedy to George McGovern to William Proxmire. In between each Senator’s story is “Thoughts form Desk 88” which is Brown’s political opinions that is loosely inspired by each Senator’s story.

If you are interested in political history, or are a progressive Democrat, Desk 88 may be a book for you. As I give away all books I read, this one is going to a friend who is more aligned with the overarching theme of the book than I am.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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What I Learned This Week For October 29 2021

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, October 29, 2021 at 06:11 PM with 0 comments

photo from Trick-or-Treating at High Cliff State Park

As I try to clear the nagging debate out of my mind over whether the movie Jaws is a horror film or not, I am fortunate to have had more cerebral encounters over the past week.

But were those cerebral encounters optimal? – New to me is ultradian rhythms although I don’t quite fully understand them yet. Apparently these are a level lower than circadian rhythms, where we have cycles throughout the day, and need “rest” in between them. I put this at the top of this week’s list as I need to re-read this (again) and try to find where my peaks and troughs are throughout the day.

Silly Spammers – I couldn’t help but laugh when I got spam email for a spelling check system that opened like this, “ looks like you have a couple spelling errors on your website such as the word "Blart".” Clearly whatever algorithm this system uses is unaware of the movie that was filmed at my favorite mall in the Boston area, not to mention the grammatical error of putting the period outside of the quote at the end of a sentence. Interesting that their system went back over a year to find a spelling “error.”

Little House Lore – When my family took a road trip out west through Minnesota and South Dakota a few years ago, we saw markers and sites related to the book series Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We didn’t stop any as they were out of the way, plus I had heard there was a lot of questions as to the historical accuracy in the series. This week I came across this article that gets into some of the details of Wilder’s stories, including one notable character that was actually a mashup of several people. There was no mention if Charles Ingalls hair was flowing as portrayed by Michael Landon.

Back in a Bash – It’s great that in-person networking events are coming back, and one I am looking forward to is Tech Bash, which will be held at Badger State Brewing in Green Bay, WI on November 15. There’s a vibrant tech scene there, and it’s fueled by their Chamber of Commerce. It should prove to be a lively event.

Ask Him Anything, Really – My friend and doppelganger Mike Gastin has started an “ask me anything” video series, where people send him questions related to branding and marketing, among other topics, and he answers them. One I particularly liked is on how to get new clients for your business. In addition to being informative, his videos are also very well produced. Maybe I should ask him how he does it?

Different country, somewhat similar technology – I have been fortunate to work with some amazing technologists over my career, both close to home and around the world. One of them is from Bulgaria, and this week he shared with me this article about how Bulgaria became a technology leader. I love these kind of stories as it’s great to learn of international parallels to what I was working with and on at different points of my career.

Maybe she is new to the planet? – A woman from New York is suing breakfast food behemoth Kellogg’s over the fact that there are few strawberries in their Strawberry Pop-Tarts. As I read this, I said to myself, “you mean there’s actually real strawberries in a strawberry Pop-Tart?” And here I always thought it was a genetically engineered processed sugar piece of food that is oh, so tasty yet bad for you; did you think that too? Maybe New York is where her spaceship recently landed, as I thought this was universal common knowledge.

Trick or Treat and Camp – Last weekend at High Cliff State Park, which is at the top of Lake Winnebago by me here in Dairyland, they resumed the annual tradition of people camping in cooler weather and having Trick-or-Treating, where the campers go all out to decorate their campsite. It was a jackpot for the kiddos as they filled their bags with candy, however I was more impressed with the “adult” treats of homebrewed beer and a wide assortment of Jell-o shots! The picture above was one of the many elaborate setups on a camp site. After this, having the kiddos go around the neighborhood this Sunday will likely be a disappointment.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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Thoughts on Writing 1000 Blog Posts

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 07:28 PM with 3 comments

photo of 100 Grand bars

My last post at The Hot Iron, Lower the Minimum Age to Work, was the one-thousandth post I have written for my blog over the almost 15 years since I started it.

I say that calls for acknowledgment and some reflection.

Where It Began

Over the years I have often mentioned why I started and have continued this blog. In short, I had a client of my Web business who asked me to stop building them a Web site and build them a blog first using specific software. After building theirs, I realized I had no “showcase” blog to use as an example to future clients. I had registered the domain name years earlier, as I thought a play on “strike while the iron is hot” was a good name for a blog. At the end of 2006, what you are reading this from was born.

I slowly got into writing, namely as I wasn’t much of a writer previously. Some posts were things on my mind, others were on what was bugging me, and others were a way to promote myself and my business. Types of posts emerged over the years, such as mobile phone evaluations, book takeaways and What I Learned for the previous week. No matter what I wrote, I tried to contribute something unique to the global conversation. Looking back on random posts as I am writing this, I think I did a good job at keeping to this mission.

1,000 Could Have Been Sooner, Thanks Social Media

There’s no doubt on the impact on social media in the world. A little closer to home, it certainly impacted what and how often I wrote on my blog. Something that was bugging me could easily be boiled down to 120 characters in a Tweet or a little longer in a Facebook post. Over time however those social accounts have gone away or ground down to a halt, as I have preferred to write in longer form in a platform I control. Am I anti-social? No – I certainly do share links on social media to my blog posts. However it’s nice to have my collection of written thoughts in one place, making The Hot Iron the center of my digital presence – something I have written about before and will continue to in the future. Judging by the little bit of observing I do of hits to the blog, others do find me here and keep coming back.

What’s Next

A grand of posts down, another to go? We’ll see, as I stopped making predictions here a long time ago. A little celebration to go along with this reflection... now that’s something that will happen for certain.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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Lower The Minimum Age To Work

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 07:49 PM with 0 comments

collage of hiring signs

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign... as the refrain from the 1970’s song by the Five Man Electric Band went. Where back in the day the signs related to how people looked, today they relate to how few people are working. When it gets to the point that, when on a family vacation, my kiddos were asking why there were Help Wanted signs in other parts of the country as well as at home, the gravity of the situation is that evident.

There has been no shortage of talk about the shortage of workers, and I don’t mean just after the lockdowns last year – in my little corner of the world in northeast Wisconsin, going back to 2019 and earlier there was low unemployment and many employers then were struggling to hire people. With all that has gone on since, it has been even worse.

With all of the talk, it seems like it is just that – talk. Sure, there are some “standard” approaches to hiring people, such as higher wages, sign-on bonuses and increased benefits. However I haven’t seen much along the line of new, creative thinking to find the right people to augment short-staffed businesses. I have heard of what could be considered desperation, where an employer was hiring people whom they have fired in the past, but that seems like the least optimal situation.

Allow me to put an idea out there that is outside of the standard practices I have seen – lower the minimum age to work.

Where I am sure I am not the first person ever to think of it, and it was not an idea I came up with alone. I have my oldest kiddo to thank for helping me come up with this. Over the summer she was talking about how when she gets old enough she can’t wait to work for her favorite Mexican inspired fast-casual franchise restaurant named after a type of pepper. As an avid consumer of their tasty products, she can picture herself working there in various capacities while earning money and getting employee discounts on said tasty products. But alas, she has to wait, as that business and others have to abide by rules and regulations on minimum age requirements.

That’s when it struck me – could a change in minimum ages to work help alleviate the strain on businesses by making a larger potential pool of available people to work?

Doing My Homework

As I set out to see if my idea was completely off-the-wall or had some merit, the first place I looked was the State of Wisconsin’s Web page on employment of minors. My assumption that every state has information like this, and it may have local overrides – I am not a lawyer, but I’ll get to that in a moment.

At first glance, there are categories where someone under 16 can work and they include everything from agriculture (e.g. bean pickers) to public exhibition (e.g. being Shrek in a play). Searching specifically for “food” and “restaurants” I found only the former, where it is prohibited from being a food slicer as this is considered hazardous. Does this mean my kiddo’s burrito wrapping dreams may have to wait? It’s not completely clear. Recently it was suggested to her by a donut shop owner she met as part of a school program that she could work at the age of 14. Perhaps not making the donuts but selling them?

I further sought to validate my idea, and get the “take” on this from others. To that end I shared this idea with Josh Dukelow, the host of a local radio show Fresh Take on WHBY in Appleton, WI. Not only was he intrigued by it, he included it in a segment of his show where he interviewed a labor attorney about the labor shortage. You can hear the whole segment at the 38 minute mark, and specific mention of my inquiry about lowering the minimum age to work at the 48 minute mark. Of course I would never say an attorney endorsed my idea; she didn’t completely dismiss it but cautioned about the long-term impact of lowering the age.

Labor Still a Hot Topic

As the summer went on and school started, I didn’t think much more about this until last week. That was when I saw the Wisconsin State Senate passed a bill to extend the working hours for 14 and 15 year olds between Memorial Day and Labor Day. This bill is likely to help tourism in the state and take advantage of kids idle time in the summer months. Of course this needs to be passed by the other legislative house and signed by the governor, but I feel this is further validation to the need and a creative idea to solve it.

What do you think – is this a good idea to lower the minimum age to work, or should we just let kiddos be kiddos as they have the rest of their lives to work? I welcome your thoughts in the comments to this post.

Deconstructing Lowering the Minimum Age To Work

Labor laws were put into place and continuously revised to protect workers from poor working conditions. Over time, they also need to take into consideration the realities of the world, including the growth and demand of business and the need for labor to fulfill it. As a kid I delivered the local town newspaper and later worked after school all through high school. Not only was I fulfilling a need of my employer, but I was earning money and gaining a work ethic that has helped make me the man I am. In my desire to explore the change to laws for those under 18, I also wish for them to have the same experience and gains as I to help them through their lives.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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What I Learned This Week For October 22 2021

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, October 22, 2021 at 10:33 PM with 2 comments

photo of motivational quote on a chalkboard

With Fall finally kicking in with cooler temperatures and leaves piling up in the yard, this week’s journal of the interesting things I have learned is compiled with the constant hum of leaf blowers in the background.

Once you remember what a passport is for ... – My friends at Swift Passport Services shared what the next generation of US passports will look like. Security and a little more style are a couple of the elements of the new passport design. Even if you renew your passport today, you may still get the old format as the printers for the new passports are still being rolled out.

Literally a game of numbersCormac Sampson is an Offensive Lineman for the University of Wisconsin football team. As his family is friends with ours, I have known him long before he could bench press me, but I digress. The Junior has been Mr. Versatility for the Badgers and has played several positions on the O-line. As a result, he has to change his uniform number for each position, as number ranges are assigned to positions, several times. In this interview of Cormac, he talks about the multitude of jerseys he has worn over the years and how his Mom cheers on her little boy.

Appfirmations – My fellow co-working space co-worker Mike writes for The Sweet Setup and this week he wrote about the mobile app Affirmations, a simple but elegant app which can remind you how great you are, as well as when and how to breathe. The random affirmations that pop-up on my screen have been welcome since I added the app this week.

Classic Fright – I came across this list of classic Halloween movies and am sharing namely because the newer ones that are appearing more on the big screen at home just don’t give goosebumps like the good ol’ ones.

Like they need more traffic anyway – In my latest book takeaway on The Tao of Bill Murray the real intense readers of this little blog noticed that I didn’t include links to buy the book on Amazon. Going forward, I won’t be adding these. Why? I got an update from the Amazon Associates affiliate program, where these links come from, that I need to add even more disclaimers that these links would earn me money if someone clicked and bought the book.

This messaging is related to US Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) requirements for disclosure of any earning relationship with any product or service mentioned in a blog, or elsewhere. When it came out years ago I analyzed the FTC requirements and had many questions and honestly think it’s too much and plays consumers as being completely oblivious. Couple that with the fact I have only earned US$4.00 (yes, four dollars) over the years, it’s not worth it. I will eventually pull down other links, but in the future you won’t see them.

Perhaps the FTC should focus on persistent tracking? – This article about how Web sites track you is nothing new, but frames it that non-profits’ Web sites are tracking you, possibly in conflict with the work they do. Referenced in the story is a tracking too that The Markup offers so you can search for potential sites that track you. Of course Google comes up for many sites as their Analytics tool tracks hits. It makes one think what is really important about Web sites and to who.

Walking around the law – I heard the term “walking quorum” for the first time this week, thanks to my friend Josh Dukelow and his local radio talk show Fresh Take. In general, a walking quorum is not a good thing and can be a violation of governmental open meeting laws. This definition of a walking quorum from my state is a good place to start understanding it.

Tick-Tok – Just when you thought there was enough harm being done as a result of the social media platform TikTok, now we have an idea where its name may have come from – TikTok may be causing young girls to develop ticks and more.

Collect Friend Contacts Info Without a Bag – I couldn’t help but laugh when I read this story about a woman who lost contact with all of her friends after someone hacked her Facebook page. Just as a business doesn’t have a true relationship with customers over Facebook, the same goes with people. The article does say to get the email addresses of your “friends” to keep in contact outside of the platform. For some reason it left out to delete your account once you have that list.

Credit where credit is due – Where I’m not sure who originally said this quote pictured above, it is one that I will not forget as it reminds you who to think of first. It reads, “anger is the punishment you give yourself for someone else’s mistake – have a bless day.” Not bad for something on the chalkboard in a restaurant bathroom.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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