30 Tasks In 30 Hours Over 30 Days

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 02:47 PM with 3 comments

Mike's 30h30d scheduleIn the shadow of just about everyone is a burgeoning to-do list. Some things are essential, some need to get done eventually. The bigger it gets, the less motivated you can get that you will complete them all.

Like many of you I have one, and I was seeking a way to motivate myself to pare it down. I then recalled a blog post a while back by Andy Wibbels on his concept called 30h30d, or 30 hours in 30 days. The principle is you take your list, identify tasks that are an hour in length, for those that are longer, break them into hour-long pieces, and schedule one a day for the next 30 days. Its beauty is in its straight-forward simplicity.

I started it last Wednesday, and as of today I have completed 7 days and as a result 7 tasks. I must admit not every task was a complete hour (scheduling a doctor appointment) and some took a little longer (integrating Feedburner monetization into my sourcegate technical tips blog), and with these examples you can see there’s a mix of business and personal tasks.

So far so good. My reporting this has a dual purpose – to inform people of this method, and to publicly let people know I am doing it, adding more accountability to this endeavor.

Edited 2/18/2017 - As the original posts and my blog linked in here were no longer valid, I deleted the links. As I wanted to use 30h30d again, I created my own chart based on the picture in this post, and you can get a copy of my 30h30d chart here.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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I Just Want To Know What’s Going On

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, March 06, 2008 at 05:00 AM with 9 comments

I know there’s something going on. And no, I am not just talking about the 80’s song by Frida. There’s something going on out there that I don’t know about but I feel I should. The question – and challenge – is, how do I find out about it?

I am talking about what we refer to as “the news.” In my younger days, it was easy to find out what was going on. Growing up in western Massachusetts, the biggest choice we had was watching channels 22 or 40, and most people watched 22. (Occasionally we watched channel 3 and saw Oprah’s friend Gayle, but that was in Hartford, CT so we didn’t care as much about the Nutmeg state, but I digress) WHYN-AM was news radio before they called it that. Then there was the Springfield Daily-News that everybody read. And for the smaller, local stories, there was The Reminder. Keep in mind this was the 70’s and 80’s, and for those who were around then will know that was all we needed.

When I moved an hour away from my base to Pittsfield, MA when I graduated from college, the first thing I did was subscribe to the local newspaper, the Berkshire Eagle. Why? I wanted to know what was going on. A year later when I finally landed in the Boston area, I would get the Newton Tab, Waltham Daily News-Tribune and the Sunday Boston Globe, with TV news and WBZ-AM news radio filling in the gaps. In both cities, the combined news coverage worked, and as this time period was the 90’s.

Fast forward a decade or so, and I am in Chicago. I have only purchased the Chicago Tribune once – my wife’s name was in it. I get the daily emails from the Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times, but they only offer the larger stories. And TV news only shows a small subset of those larger stories - the murders, not the smaller stories like the minutiae of the city council. Chicago is also much larger than Boston – its population is about half of that of Massachusetts! In order to fill in the gaps, I read blogs from news providers such as Crain’s, professionally-run blogs like the Chicagoist and Gaper’s Block and a variety of individual bloggers. Those combined give me a much better picture of the smaller news stories.

So what’s my point? There has been a lot of talk about the demise of the printed newspaper and TV news. Where I don’t know when this will happen, my guess it will be a slow and painful one. I do believe the timeframe will be based on its relevancy – will it be the place people go to get the news, or be entertained? When the news is followed by one of those Hollywood reporter shows, it’s hard to tell when one ended and the other began. Is it that I have something out for journalists or reporters? Heck no. I just want to know what’s going on, and they just don’t seem to be telling me anymore.

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Wordless Wednesday - Cigars By The Window At Jack Schwartz In Chicago

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, March 05, 2008 at 05:00 AM with 2 comments

Wordless Wednesday - Cigars By The Window At Jack Schwartz In Chicago

logo for Wordless Wednesday

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Packers.com Reacts to Brett Favre’s Retirement

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, March 04, 2008 at 04:46 PM with 0 comments

There’s nothing like a Web site being down when there’s a big event or a breaking news story. For a high-profile Web site to be down can be detrimental to its owner, especially if the particular event – or any type of event - can be predicted. Black Friday online shopping and Super Bowl ads mentioning Web sites come to mind.

Last week, it was mistakenly posted on the Web site of the NFL’s Green Bay Packers its star quarterback Brett Favre was retiring. It turned out the “story” was merely a preparation for whenever the announcement of his retirement was made. It caused a small panic for Cheeseheads everywhere.

Today it was announced Favre is retiring. So I went to the Packers’ Web site at packers.com to see how they handled the announcement. The team and its Internet consultant apparently anticipate a deluge of traffic, so they redirected traffic to the home page to a special “breaking news” page as shown below.

Packers.com screen shot

(click on the link to view a larger version)

On the page is the following text:

Welcome to the Packers.com Breaking News page.

Due to the magnitude of today's Packers news, Packers.com is offering this Breaking News page in lieu of our normal Packers.com site. With minimal graphics and no ancillary content, page loads should be quick, even in this period of high demand. All news stories from today will be listed right here on the Breaking News page. If you are seeking archived Packers.com material, you may still access the regular Packers.com site here.

This is a wise move, and interesting they actually stated it as they did. And to Mr. Favre, thanks for the memories, except for Super Bowl XXXI.

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likemind.chi logoThe next likemind coffee will be next Friday, March 28 in dozens of cities around the world. In Chicago, it will be at Intelligentsia Coffee, 55 E. Randolph, at the corner of Wabash in the Loop.

I call likemind a gathering of creative-minded people, from various disciplines including Internet, advertising, art, et. al. Coffee is gratis thanks to Dunkirk Systems, LLC! The previous worldwide sponsor is no longer, and we are welcome to anyone who would like to sponsor it here in the Windy City.

This is a week later than usual due to Good Friday falling on the previous week. And after suggestions to open it up to those who may not be able to attend but would like to participate, we will experiment with some form of social networking, whether it is Twitter, BlogTV or some combination of them and others - more details to follow. No RSVP is required but is welcome, and you can by replying to this post or at the likemind Chicago Facebook group. Business • (3) CommentsPermalink

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