Class Action Suit Settlement for Palm Treo 600 and 650 Owners
If you own or owned a Palm Treo 600 and/or 650 and had multiple returns for repairs or replacements, please read on.
I got an email from Palm on the settlement of a class action suit against them for the above reason, something I endured myself. A Web site has been created at with links to PDF documents relevant to the settlement and filing a claim. An owner can either get a repair, $75 if they owned a 600 or $50 if they owned a 650.
As I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on YouTube, check out the settlement Web site for complete details and you have until July, 2008 to file a claim.
Technology • (0) Comments • PermalinkWordless Wednesday - Scoreboard after Patriots win AFC Championship
Live Domain Name Auction at DOMAINfest
At the DOMAINfest conference last week there were 2 live domain name auctions. Professional auctioneers took bids from the audience at the conference anf from those registered and bidding online. It was an interesting experience, especially as the last time I saw a live auction it was for farm equipment!.
Below is a video I took of the auction of from day 1, which sold for US$3,500.00. Domain Name News has the complete list of domain names from day 1 and day 2 and what the sold for and which ones did not receive a minimum bid.
If you cannot see the embedded video, you can link to it directly on YouTube.
Domain Names • (1) Comments • PermalinkTECH cocktail Chicago 7 Announced
Earlier this week TECH cocktail 7 (or TC7) was announced. It will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2008 from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm at John Barleycorn Wrigleyville in Chicago.
This event brings out many people in or affiliated with the tech community, and hopefully a few domainers will be in attendance as well! As this free event usually "sells" out, RSVP now. Hope to see you there.
Business • Technology • (0) Comments • PermalinkBack In The Blogging Saddle Again
It has been a week since my last blog post, and that has been due to my unusual travel schedule. Though I am still on the road, I am getting reacclimated to a schedule I have some control over and getting some work done.
Earlier this week was DOMAINfest conference, a 3-day conference on the domain name industry in Hollywood, California. For those unaware, there really is a domain name industry! Though I write often on domain names, it only scratches the surface of all involved, much of it came to light this week. Everything from the value of domain names and how people choose them and monetize them to legal issues, it was a full conference.
DOMAINfest was run by, a company that owns many companies including registration, domain parking and aftermarket acquisition services. They have made acquisitions to make them a major player, consolidating the number of companies out there serving the industry. But isn’t that just business? Anyway, I will be pouring through my notes, photos and videos and writing more on this great event.
Prior to arriving on the west coast I was on the east coast for the AFC Championship Game, which was won by my beloved Patriots 21-12, earning them a spot in the Super Bowl against the New York Giants. It was a cold game but nothing intolerable, and though they had a rough start they came out on top in the end.
I haven’t talked much about the Pats here, more to keep The Hot Iron on topic and not throw anything in the face of my fellow Chicagoans, especially after how the Bears did (or didn’t do) this season. For that, visit my Web site, Seeing them going perfect at 18-0 is about all I am planning to see, as the price of Super Bowl tickets is a little out of the range of this entrepreneur’s budget. Though if anyone feels generous, please feel free to contact me!
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