Do You Use Ryze?

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, December 28, 2007 at 05:00 AM with 2 comments

Ryze logoSeveral years ago at a networking event, someone told me I had to be on Ryze, a business-oriented social networking. As I am usually signing up for one service or another every day, I created an account and setup a basic profile. And that was it.

Since then, I get a weekly email message with my Ryze “stats” including how many people have viewed my profile, etc. After about a year of those emails, I revisited my profile and added to it, copying and pasting pretty much verbatim from my LinkedIn profile.

So anyone else out there using it?

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Next Silicon Prairie Social is January 24

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 05:00 AM with 0 comments

Silicon Prairie Social logoI just got word from Tim Courtney the next Silicon Prairie Social will be held on Thursday, January 24, 2008 at Mullen’s Bar and Grill in Lisle, IL. This is second in what I hope will be an on-going quality tech networking event for the western suburbs of Chicago.

The event is free, though you must register, and registration is now open. Check out the Web site for full details. Unfortunately I won't be there myself, but I have RSVPed in spirit. There is also the opportunity to become a sponsor, joining an excellent list of current sponsors. For those in the burbs, it is a must attend, and as well for those of us in the city - as we are all part of the local tech community.

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LinkedIn is Beginning to Look A Lot Like Facebook

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 at 12:27 PM with 1 comments

image of LinkedIn updatesAt one point last week as I was scrambling to put together the list of recipients for Dunkirk Systems’ holiday cards, I needed to go to LinkedIn to look up a couple of contacts. When I arrived at the social networking site I saw a familiar face, a wizard image LinkedIn puts up when it takes the service down for maintenance. When I went back after the maintenance window, I was pleasantly surprised to see more familiar faces.

If you have a LinkedIn account and you visit the home page, you can see updates to people in your network. As I have previously stated, this is a highly valuable feature of LinkedIn as you can find out changes for contacts, including if they have a new job. Now these changes include if a person has added a photo to their profile. The accompanying image is a partial screen grab from my own LinkedIn home page, showing networking guru Jason Jacobsohn recently added a photo to his profile.

This is a good step forward for LinkedIn, and as competition heats up from other social networking sites like Facebook, I am eager to see what other changes they will make.

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Wordless Wednesday - Nativity at Daley Plaza in Chicago - Merry Christmas!

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, December 25, 2007 at 05:00 AM with 6 comments

photo for Wordless Wednesday - Nativity at Daley Plaza in Chicago - Merry Christmas!

logo for Wordless Wednesday

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Minivan Crashes Into Chicago Street-Level TV Studio

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, December 24, 2007 at 06:42 PM with 1 comments

photo of ABC7 Chicago Street-Level StudioIt’s always interesting when the media analyzes thyself, and even more interesting when itself is the news.

I was watching the 10 pm news on WLS-TV, ABC7 in Chicago last night. The anchor, Ravi Baichwal, was segueing to a field reporter when I heard a loud bang and Baichwal looked to the side in shock. And so the field reporter began her segment. When it came back to the news desk, we the viewers were told an SUV had crashed through one of the windows of the street-level studio on State Street, across from the famed Chicago Theatre.

As of this writing no reason has been given for the crash, which eyewitnesses said was deliberate. There were no barriers on the sidewalk in front of the studio to prevent such an incident, though temporary jersey barriers were put in place today. Though this could have been a much worse crime, nobody was injured and the driver was arrested on the scene. Baichwal handled the situation like a professional, though he was mere feet from it happening. He advised viewers that the newscast going forward would be “fluid” and you couldn’t expect anything better despite the circumstances.

You can see the replay of the incident on ABC7’s Web site and photos of the boarded-up studio window I took tonight, one with Baichwal behind the desk once again. I am sure more permanent barriers will be put into place, and they will also be in place when WBBM-TV CBS2 moves into its own street-level studio just a block away next year.

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