Subscribe by Email

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, July 09, 2007 at 01:52 PM with 0 comments

For those who do not use a feed reader or would prefer not to, I have deployed the ability to get The Hot Iron in your inbox. Simply enter your email address in the box labeled “Subscribe by Email” on the right sidebar of any page of the blog and you will initiate the process. Once you are subscribed, you will receive an email at the end of the day with any writings I have done that day, if I have written that day.

This new feature is powered by Feedburner, the service that also manages my blog feeds for those who do use a feed reader. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues with it or if you simply like it or not!

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I didn’t set out to own my own business, and going back to college it was the furthest thing from my mind. Over the years I have met people who had their own businesses as their primary income, and where I admired them, I never saw it as something I could – or would do.

As many people who develop and design Internet solutions do, I always did some work on the side, whether it was a favor for a friend or organization to outright freelance work. As time went on, the people who I did this work for were demanding more from me, and wanted to expand their presence on the Internet.

It wasn’t until my wife and I decided to move to Chicago when I began to entertain the idea of going out on my own, or dare I even call it entrepreneurship at the time. Faced with the task of finding a job in the Windy City, I decided to create my own. And many of these people who I did freelance before are clients today, and were part of the catalyst for me starting Dunkirk Systems in the first place.

Do I think about this much? Actually, yes. When I talk to others who have struck out on their own, or even those who probably should blaze their own trail, I recount this story. Whatever you call it – entrepreneurship, the American Dream – I call it doing something that I enjoy, and I can’t think of a better thing to do to occupy my time.

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Thanks ePartners for the Wrigley Field Tour

By Mike Maddaloni on Sunday, July 08, 2007 at 09:53 AM with 2 comments

ePartners logoBack in May I was fortunate to have been invited to a demonstration of Microsoft’s CRM suite called Dynamics, presented by ePartners. The presentation just so happened to be at Wrigley Field in Chicago, and following the presentation and buffet lunch, there was a tour of the historic ballpark for all attendees. Where it was good to see a working demo of the latest features from Microsoft, I have to admit the tour of Wrigley clinched me – as well as most others – for attending.

After exceeding my Flickr monthly upload limits twice, I finally have all of the Wrigley Field tour photos online and available for viewing. Growing up a Red Sox fan and hearing of the similar mystique of the Friendly Confines, its great to go to games, and even better to get to see the park “behind the scenes” when nobody else is there.

Thanks to ePartners for the demo, lunch and tour!

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The Year is Half Full

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, July 02, 2007 at 09:04 AM with 0 comments

As we enter July every year, we tend to reflect on how half of the year is all ready over. Or at least I do that every year. This time, I am taking a more positive approach – the year is half full. Similar to the analogy of the glass being half empty or half full, I say there is a lot of time and a lot of great things to do!

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See my next improv show

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, June 29, 2007 at 09:57 AM with 0 comments

Dial I for Improv posterMy creative outlet continues! Blue Shampoo, the improv comedy troupe in Chicago that I am proud ot be a member of, presents our next show, Dial "I" for Improv!

Dial "I" for Improv is a mix of long and short form improv - entertaining games and scenes attacking the murder mystery genre! See brilliant detective work! Thrill to chilling contact with the living dead! This fully improvised murder mystery is packed with laughs, intrigue, and weird strangeness and strange weirdness of a most supernatural mysterious nature of mystery! Gather your courage all who dare and join the fun! You just might end up a victim...of comedy!

Our show is every Thursday in July - 5, 12, 19 and 26, at the Gorilla Tango Theater, 1919 N. Milwaukee in Chicago - right off the Western Blue Line stop. Show time is at 8 pm and tickets are only $10. The theatre is BYOB, and you will not be alone if you do! You can buy tickets online, or call the theatre at 773-598-4549.

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