Try Adobe Connect And Help Chicago Schools Go Green

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 03:04 PM with 0 comments

Adobe Acrobat Connect ProI heard form the folks over at Connect and Conserve which is run by Adobe and the U.S. Green Building Council. If you sign up for a free trial of Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, which is their Web-based collaboration service, $25 goes to a local school to help it go green. If you sign up for it through The Hot Iron, and as I am in Chicago, it will help a Chicago school.

I’ve used Connect Pro before, as well as its predecessor Macromedia Breeze. It has a robust yet easy to use interface, and I would consider it one of the best services in its class. So give Connect Pro a try, and by greening a Chicago school it will mean I pay less taxes. Right?

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Next likemind Chicago on Friday September 18

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, September 09, 2009 at 06:00 AM with 0 comments

likemind.chi logoThe next likemind will be Friday, September 18, 2009 in dozens of cities around the world.

In Chicago, it will be at Argo Tea, 140 S Dearborn St. at the corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets in the Loop from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.

I call likemind a gathering of creative-minded people, from various disciplines including Internet, advertising, art, social media, et. al. For more information on likemind, you can read this great article on likemind from the New York Times.

No RSVP is required. You are also welcome to join the likemind Chicago Facebook group.

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How I Write Blog Posts

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 11:22 AM with 3 comments

As it comes up in conversation many times as to what my process (or dare I say, methodology?) is for writing blog posts on The Hot Iron, I thought it in itself would make a great post. Whether I am working with clients of Dunkirk Systems, LLC for whom we have developed blogs or having a conversation with colleagues, there is a method to the madness.

photo of written blog post

First Comes Inspiration

Ah, the true magic of blog posts. Ideas usually come to me when I am not at my desk, so I am usually leaving some paper or digital note for myself. These range from something I am passionate about writing to fleeting thoughts that could become something worth writing. Those that don’t get written up right away get added to my idea list, and on occasion I go to it for inspiration.

Pen to Paper

You read that correctly – pen… paper. Call me old school, call me low tech, but I find the best way to write is literally to write. Well, in my case print in my poor penmanship. I don’t write all of my posts out long hand (for example, likemind announcements). And I make no apologies for this, especially after reading James Whatley does the same, and he is much more “wired” than I, not to mention younger than me too.

Type, Post, Promote

Once written, I type up the post in Word, spell and grammar check it, then manually mark up with HTML tags including images and a footer message (see below). As I have been coding HTML since 1993, it works best for me.

At this point I log into ExpressionEngine, the power behind The Hot Iron, and preview and submit my post. I also tag it to categories and set a date and time, especially when I write blog posts ahead of time.

From there, Feedburner, FriendFeed and Facebook do their thing to promote my post. I will also manually tweet on it depending on the topic, as well as submit to social bookmarking sites.

So Far, So Good

And there you have it. This process has worked well for me over the past 2.5 years plus, and now through 500 blog posts!

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Selling My Palm Treo 680 Unlocked Device on eBay

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 06:00 AM with 0 comments

All good things come to an end, and so does the use of my Palm Treo 680 unlocked device. Since making the switch to Nokia about a year ago, I have decided to put the Treo 680 up for sale on eBay, along with a slew of accessories, as you can see below.

photo of Palm Treo 680 Unlocked Device on eBay

Along with the device itself, which is in good order but has some wear, there are a large number of cables and chargers, plus a spare battery. If you’re looking for an unlocked device, this could be yours.

The auction closes next Monday and the bidding begins at a penny!

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Next likemind Chicago on Friday August 21

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 12:36 AM with 0 comments

likemind.chi logoThe next likemind will be Friday, August 21, 2009 in dozens of cities around the world.

In Chicago, it will be at Argo Tea, 140 S Dearborn St. at the corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets in the Loop from 8:00 am to 10 am.

I call likemind a gathering of creative-minded people, from various disciplines including Internet, advertising, art, social media, et. al. For more information on likemind, you can read this great article on likemind from the New York Times.

No RSVP is required. You are also welcome to join the likemind Chicago Facebook group.

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