
on 04/24/07 at 11:40 AM
Recently I received an email survey from an organization from whom I have purchased their product before, and upon completing the survey I purchased more from them. However I would bet that was not their intention with sending the survey.
Thousand Hills Coffee is a brand of Rwandan coffee where part of the proceeds benefit school projects in the land where the coffee originates. I know the president of the company, and I like coffee, so I have been a customer. When I received a marketing survey from them, I completed it and then realized I hadn’t ordered from them in a while. That issue was remedied with another order placed and I was enjoying the coffee a few days later.
This got me thinking – as I market my company, maybe I should be thinking about reminding my existing customers rather than selling to them?
Business • (2) Comments • PermalinkHmmmmmmm.
We’re attempting to do the same thing right now by launching a whole new presence, with a newsletter, blog, and podcasts. We’re focusing on disseminating information about the latest and greatest technologies that are coming around the bend in order to showcase our areas of expertise. Just inviting some of our customers has led to two full days of consulting at one of our customers to review their upgrade path to Vista.
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