Blog Action Day – Seek Ways to Help Other Than With Money

By Mike Maddaloni on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 10:17 AM with 1 comments

Blog Action Day logoIn honor of Blog Action Day, I am breaking my tradition with posting a photo for Wordless Wednesday and joining in the conversation on this year’s topic – poverty. I have to admit I have never been in a position where I would say I was poor. In thinking about what to write, I decided to take a higher-level approach to helping organizations. This is based on my own personal experience as well as my involvement in being a member and leading Jaycees’ chapters.

Whenever we think of helping a cause – any cause – the first thing that comes to mind is donating money. For some people, this may be the only way they would want to help, and it doesn’t need to be elaborated on how money helps. However in times like today, when people either don’t have the funds to donate or are being cautious on any expenses other than what is absolutely required, we should seek other ways to help worthy causes and organizations that support them.


Your Time - Many organizations can use volunteer help in their offices or in delivering their services, whether in your neighborhood or around the world. As well many general service and religious organizations do similar volunteering. There may be some costs involved in getting to your volunteering location (especially abroad) but your time is the key in what you are giving.

And why go it alone? Organize a family or company group.

Your services - What applies in our personal finances also applies in the finances of our businesses. By evaluating what your company does and finding a match in the community and in the world for someone who may be in need of it is surely a win-win. Whether you are a bakery or a Web developer like Dunkirk Systems, LLC, there are organizations that can use what you have to offer.

As with any donation, I recommend learning as much as you can about the organization. Read their Web site, talk with their executive director, visit their offices – whatever it takes for you to understand where what you are donating is going. This not only gives you a comfort level, but by this hands-on learning you can better tell the story of this organization to others.

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I find it interested they have something like that for blogs…

Picture of Dirkoi Directory Comment by Dirkoi Directory
on 10/17/08 at 12:53 PM

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