I love Google Alerts. It’s great for both keeping up with my industry and seeing if things that I’ve written are getting picked up by Google (which is a good sign that they’re getting attention/exposure).
Don’t Forget Google Alerts
Just when I think I have caught up with what I need to accomplish in a day, I find I have to go to Google and learn about something new they have released, whether it’s a beta version or an enhancement to a beta or... well, you get the picture. As much as it’s nice to see what is new from the search giant, there’s a service they offer that I feel some may have forgotten about – Google Alerts.
A Google Alert is an email sent with new search results based on selected keywords. If there are search results from Web sites, news, groups or blogs that day for whatever keywords you select, you will get a digest email with links to those Web sites. If not, you don’t get an email. Emails can be sent as links are found, daily or weekly. This service is free, and you can have multiple alerts for different keywords.
I have Google Alerts setup for my name and the names of my business, my wife and some clients. It is good for monitoring your brand, domain names as well as your competitors, favorite sports team, type of food – the options are unlimited. It is another tool in my toolbox of services I use regularly to manage my business. It may not be the latest and greatest from Google, but it is a core service that should not be forgotten.
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Another great one I like is Serph. It seems to find things faster than any other search or alert system and you can get an RSS feed of the latest mentions.
Interesting Justin - thanks! I am testing it with a unique search string…my name!
This is very interesting, monitoring search. Thanks for the plug. I’m sure I’ll use this along with all my other analytics. Intelligence can be virtual. Thanks!

on 05/19/07 at 11:06 PM
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