FotoViewr Livens Photos Without Added Uploading

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 at 06:00 AM with 0 comments

So you’ve uploaded all your photos to Flickr or Facebook. Now what? Sure you can click the next and previous buttons to go through them, but it is just your standard slideshow. What if you could make a flashy and interactive presentation of your photos, without having to upload them to yet another photo service?

This is the jist of FotoViewr. It allows you to create a free 3D photo gallery by simply directing the service to your photos. It is currently available for Flickr, SmugMug and there is also a Facebook application. The beauty is you don’t have to log in! All you do is enter your Flickr username – without the password – and it will find your photo galleries. Below is a gallery using the “Wall” style with photos from past likemind Chicago coffees. As you can see you can embed a gallery into a Web page, and you can also send a URL link to one.

FotoViewr was created by a local entity in Chicago, and was actually demoed at a past likemind. More is in the works for FotoViewr, and you can follow its activities on its blog.

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