Back in July when I wrote a post about Jakob Nielsen not liking blogs, I was not sue then if the title was appropriate. After reading this post on Practical eCommerce's site, Dr. Nielsen does like to reads them, at least the few mentioned.
By reading his blog list, it can be deduced he reads them as Web pages, especially as he suggests Search Engine Land should abandon the blog format. Where I will not argue his opinion, they could take his advice yet still offer its feed with no notice to current feed readers. This points to the value of RSS feeds, whether you are publishing a blog or not. RSS feeds can be added to any Web site to publish any content, including press releases, “what’s new” lists or even as a replacement or addition to email newsletters... such as AlertBox.
I have never been a fan of the term “blogosphere” as it suggests that blogs are on their own and separate from Web sites. The application of technology like RSS helps blur that distinction, and I think this is a very good thing.
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You’re right Mike, RSS makes it so easy to stay on top of things. I am greeted each day by a plethora of information from a variety of sites from which to choose. The line is indeed blurring.
I tend to favor blogs, mainly because of their frequent updates and two-way communications capability. What a great learning experience.

Comment by
Daniel Sitter, Idea Seller
on 09/24/07 at 04:10 PM
In the end, there is content and how it is delivered. Some may say that RSS and blogs can cheapen or devalue content, but I think we’d agree Dan that getting that content delivered to you in a straightforward manner is what is important!

Comment by
Mike Maddaloni
on 09/25/07 at 02:49 AM
mike i could blog all day if i only new what blogging was but life is to short enjoy what you do donot worry what you have not done and see how other people can benifit fromyour experiencse we do not have to be special just ordinary people lov you all terry

Comment by terry mcmullan
on 09/25/07 at 03:07 PM
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