i loved Atlas Shrugged, and was surprised I did, so I’m anxious to hear your thoughts. it’s long but worth it…!

on 10/18/08 at 04:29 PM
When I began writing book take-aways, it started with a goal of clearing my bookshelf of long unread books. But as I traveled along this literary journey, I discovered other books to read, many of which were mentioned in some of the books I previously read. One of those books is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
I look forward to finishing this book and writing my take-aways, if for any other reason it is well over 1,000 pages long! Most of the books I have previously read were no longer than 300 pages, so it will be interesting to see when I finish it. Stay tuned.
This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.
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i loved Atlas Shrugged, and was surprised I did, so I’m anxious to hear your thoughts. it’s long but worth it…!
Excellent Amy, and please don’t give away any details!
Mike, glad you will be reading it. Only comments are (& I’m not giving anything away) are that you will repeatedly say “this is happening right now!” Also, you can knock out about 100 pages when you get to a certain section. You will know when you get there! A = A! Easily one of the greatest books ever written!
Also, have a go at giving out some ongoing take-aways.
I was thinking the same thing after I posted my original comment, that this would be a fascinaing time to be reading Atlas Shrugged….
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