Have you updated your LinkedIn profile to include a photo? What you say, you didn’t know that you could do it? I only heard about it from a blog post last week that it was available as of last Friday – sorry I forget which one, as I was on vacation – and just remembered to do it today.
While I was at it, I also added the photo to the right sidebar of The Hot Iron. I have been meaning to add it, as many bloggers have pointed out that I haven’t had it there.
I’m surprised it took this long for LinkedIn to offer this. And in a limiting fashion that is all too familiar with the social networking site, you can only upload one photo, and it is limited to the size of a postage stamp. You must also be logged into LinkedIn to see one as well. Photos have been available out of the gate from the large networking sites like Facebook and MySpace – and don’t forget forums too! Now if LinkedIn can provide users the option to link to anyone else within the overall network so I don’t have to keep forwarding requests along… well, one can only dream.
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Comments •
The photo looks good; I think they do add a certain credibility to a blog or profile.
One of these days, I’ll take that advice myself. I’ve literally dug through all of my photos and have yet to find one of myself where I don’t look like a crack-addicted serial killer (other than wedding photos).

Comment by
Dr. Pete
on 10/03/07 at 09:17 AM
Nice photo! It took me awhile to add one to my blog as well. It adds more personality and allows you to connect more with your readers. You reminded me that I need to add one to my LinkedIn profile.

Comment by
Jason Jacobsohn
on 10/04/07 at 10:45 PM
Good pic, who took it?

Comment by
John Wall
on 10/06/07 at 09:19 AM
So I added my picture… 80x80? Gee, can they afford all that bandwidth?

Comment by
John Wall
on 10/06/07 at 09:28 AM
LinkedIn must be an extremely conservative place to work, as how else could they be so stingy with features of their site, not to mention the extremely small size of the photo!
Thanks for the photo - it makes me look good, eh? It was taken by a local amateur photographer.

Comment by
Mike Maddaloni
on 10/06/07 at 06:19 PM
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