Nokia E75 Unboxing Video

By Mike Maddaloni on Monday, June 15, 2009 at 03:27 PM with 1 comments

Thanks to the great folks at WOMWorld/Nokia, I will be evaluating the Nokia E75 device for the next few weeks. It arrived last week, and here is a video I made of my first impressions as I was unboxing it.

If you cannot see the video above, follow this link to watch my Nokia E75 Unboxing Video.

Since then, it has been my primary device, as I have switched my T-Mobile SIM from my Nokia E70 device to this. I am going to give it some time and really try it out, including installing the new Ovi Store and several apps, including Qik, ShoZu, Facebook and a Twitter client. I also plan on reading the instruction manual – seriously.

Since I made this video, I discovered a few things. The camera does not have a Carl Zeiss lens, though it has taken some decent pictures and video so far. The case that comes with it is very cool – the strap is not a locking, Velcro strap as I first thought. It is wrapped around the inside of the case, and I pull the tab to slide the E75 out of the form-fitting velour-like case. I haven’t seen such a case idea before, but I definitely like it.

Watch The Hot Iron for a full report when I am done reviewing it, or if I decide to share something in the interim, like photos or videos or who knows what! I will be sharing thoughts on it on Twitter - follow me @thehotiron.

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Mobile Technology • (1) CommentsPermalink


Try the panorama feature with your camera.  You can make a 180 degrees photo with the thing by slowly rotating the thing about your axis.  BTW, I want to drop AT&T;to get a prepaid plan for a 50% savings.  Do you know if TMobile does this?

Picture of Peter Alan Smith Comment by Peter Alan Smith
on 06/16/09 at 01:14 PM

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