A couple of weeks back I posted about the abrupt shutdown of the ChicWIT email list and organization, as well as its parent organization, WorldWIT. I am now happy to write that a replacement list and organization has been formed to replace it, under a new moniker.
I just got the following email from Gigi Bozzano, who was the leader of ChicWIT, and it stated the following:
Warm greetings to all of my much missed friends!
I'm thrilled to let you know that I've started a new women's networking organization to replace the one that recently closed - guaranteed to be even more benefit for all of us women (and men)!
Called CW-Network (Chicago Women Network), it will feature moderated online discussion, networking events, educational opportunities, and as the group expands, discounts on services and products for members.
The site will be live by no later than mid-week next week so please watch your email box for instructions on how to sign up! Also, please forward this information on to your friends, colleagues, and any former members of the recently closed women's organization.
I'm looking forward to continuing the friendships and alliances that have already been formed and to establishing many, many new ones. Hopefully, you'll join us!! And...if you would like to contribute your ideas and suggestions please get in touch with me. CW-Network - Chicago Women Network - is for all of us!
Gigi Bozzano
That Web site mentioned will be at cw-network.org, and as of me writing this it is not live yet. Where it may take some time to ramp back up to the thousands of subscribers, it will be good to see this community, valuable to women and men in Chicagoland, back in action.
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Not only that, Mike, ChicWIT/WorldWIT is back too! I have started a new email group on yahoo!groups - actually a set of them. The global discussion group has 18,000 members and is called Ask Liz Ryan (from the Ask Liz column in WorldWIT’s newsletter, Thinking Aloud; it’s also the name of my website) and it’s for men and women both, to discuss business, careers, networking and “life” issues. Your readers are welcome.
The local groups are for local recommendations and observations—Ask in Chicago, Ask in NYC, etc. The Chicago group is here: http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/askinchicago. (Tonight, yahoogroups is having issues - the group should be back online tomorrow). Monday 4.23

Comment by
Liz Ryan
on 04/24/07 at 12:54 AM
Hi Liz - Great news!

Comment by
Mike Maddaloni
on 04/24/07 at 07:44 AM
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