Time Magazine Artistic QR Codes

By Mike Maddaloni on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 12:55 PM with 4 comments

Time magazine QR code adCan QR codes be artistic? Of course, and if you need examples right away check out the QR Arts site. When large corporations use QR codes, many notice. When major corporations do something artistic with QR codes (or anything artistic for that matter) people notice even more. That is, if you recognize it is an artistic QR code.

The accompanying photo is of a bus kiosk ad in Chicago for Time magazine. The familiar red border of Time is clearly visible. It looks like soldiers are walking in a swamp, but they are actually walking in a QR code! The code itself is rotated 180 degrees so all 3 large corner squares are visible, which is a very valid use for them. It is also angled back. Both of these are why I question if to the casual person walking by, will they realize it is a QR code? Upon scanning the QR code, you are taken to a page on Time’s Web site on the topic of war.

What do you think – upon first glance would you think this is a QR code? Your thoughts are welcome in the comments for this post.

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BusinessMobile TechnologyQR CodesQR Codes In ActionTechnology • (4) CommentsPermalink


So the QR code actually works, even like this? That opens a lot of possibilities…

Picture of Bruno Pieroni Comment by Bruno Pieroni
on 03/17/11 at 03:02 PM

@Bruno - yes it does, did you try it yourself?!


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 03/17/11 at 03:07 PM

The ability to turn the black and white boxes into something artistic is genius. At Visualead, we understand the research and funds that went into a companies logo and have developed a technology that would allow a company to merge QRcode technology with a companies logo.
Instead of adding a space invader like box that swallows up the companies logo, our technology turns the logo itself into a QRcode.
We have released our beta version and are collecting feedback.
feel free to test out our beta and let us know what you think.


Picture of Ari Fuld Comment by Ari Fuld
on 08/05/12 at 04:57 AM

@Ari - Thanks for visiting and I will check out your service.


Picture of Mike Maddaloni Comment by Mike Maddaloni
on 08/05/12 at 04:13 PM

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