Welcome Tech Cocktail 9 Attendees

By Mike Maddaloni on Friday, November 07, 2008 at 09:22 AM with 0 comments

TECH cocktail logo Last night I attended Tech Cocktail 9, a long-running and highly successful tech networking event in Chicago, now branching out to other cities around the country. I met some new people as well as reconnected with many others. It was a very worthwhile event and thanks again to Eric Olson and Frank Gruber for organizing it.

As I left a few The Hot Iron cards around the bar as well as exchanged cards with a number of people, if you are visiting this humble journal for the first time – welcome! The Hot Iron talks about business and technology issues and topics, plus other areas which I call “diversions” as well as take-aways I get from books I have read. You are welcome to subscribe by RSS feed or by email, as well join in the conversation and comment.

To all new and long-time readers, I hope to see you again soon at a future Tech Cocktail, likemind, or let’s connect for coffee.

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