It’s not only Friday, but Good Friday. For those who believe, have a blessed Easter. For those who do not, have a nice weekend!
- If you have videos displayed (or embedded) on your Web site, you may see at the end related videos shown. In many cases, those videos don’t necessarily compliment the video, and you have no control over them. However, I did find this code on the blog of Maximillian Laumeister that can hide YouTube related videos.
- Speaking of videos, for some reason actor George Takei, who played Sulu in the Star Trek franchise, made a commercial for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin’s public transit system years ago. Where I couldn’t find a connection of him to the city, I do know several large ad agencies are based in the Cream City and that could have been the catalyst for his appearance. I have embedded it in the post below, using the code above.
- A product that has been very helpful while spending more time at home. The Dash Mini Maker Electric Round Griddle allows you to cook with minimal mess an egg or pancake with ease. And did I mention minimal mess?
- Another helpful product is the JOOLA Table Tennis Set allows you to easily convert your dining room table to a ping pong table.
- I often remind myself of a quote from the late, great sales guru Zig Ziglar, “Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly... until you can do it well.” This past week I had the opportunity to pass along this advice to someone who had never heard of it. The quote came up in the context of setting up a personal portfolio site and their concern it wouldn’t be perfect right away.
- I know someone who changed their name from a name that someone else I know changed their name too. If that makes any sense! Out of privacy to both I won’t share the name.
- The blog post I published last week, A Personal Business Dilemma, was actually written over 2 and a half years ago! I found it in a notebook among others that I had written and published. I don’t recall why I never typed up and published it. Perhaps because it was over 7 written pages? I made some heavy edits, but the gist of it remained.
- As shown above, there are some interesting street names in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Hopefully next week’s list will not include anything about snow that forecasted for this weekend.
This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.
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Hello Mike, Spending some time catching up on your blog posts.
I was tickled to see a Zig Zigler quote go by. My Dad was a big fan, and I became one at an early age. He was one of those fellas that could take complicated concepts and boil em down to common sense.
The fellas were talking about how your thoughts and words make your reality. Zig had that back in the 60’s:
You are what you are because of what goes into your mind.
Zig had a lot to do with me learning about personal responsibility.
Good stuff! Keep it up.

Comment by ohvinnie
on 04/11/20 at 06:21 AM
Hey Vinnie… thanks for visiting, and great to hear you’re a Zig fan as well. I’ve heard many of his quotes over the years, and this one really resonated with me!

Comment by
Mike Maddaloni
on 04/14/20 at 11:19 PM
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