End The Week On a Laugh
As time slides through the hourglass and I did not schedule time to write more this week, I thought I would share this story from The Onion on blogging.
I don't consider this a biopic at all, but we can all use a few extra bucks!
Diversions • (0) Comments • PermalinkPlease Resubscribe If You Previously Used Autodiscovery
I never use the term "under construction" in Web site copy because a Web site truly is always under construction. The same can be said for my blog. Today I have made some small changes which will hopefully make it easier to navigate the site, and may have more in the future.
If you happened to use the autodiscovery feature of the browser to subscribe to the site, could I trouble you to unsubscribe and resubscribe? I ask this as I have changed the feed link to using Feedburner rather than the native link for the feed. This way I can better track readership. If you subscribed by clicking on the icon on the Web page itself under the heading of "Subscribe to the Feed," that has not changed and you don't need to resubscribe.
What is autodiscovery? In the address bar of your browser, to the far right may be the orange icon for a blog/RSS feed. By clicking on it, it will "autodiscover" the link for the feed then subscribe you to the feed in whatever designated feed reader you have selected. This has been a feature in Firefox and is new to IE.
Now that The Hot Iron has been live for four months, I am learning great deal from my own use as well as feedback from readers like you – thank you! And please keep it coming.
Announcements • (2) Comments • PermalinkWhy Repaint An Airplane?
Today Delta Air Lines came out of bankruptcy. At an "event" to announce this, they unveiled a new logo and announced they will be repainting their aircraft with it. This is 19th logo for Delta in 78 years, and you can see all the past logos courtesy of the Delta History Museum. The following was from their press release announcing the new logo:
"Delta’s brand, which includes the customer experience and our financial stability, has been changing for the last 19 months thanks to the tireless efforts of Delta people worldwide," said Tim Mapes, Delta’s vice president of Marketing. "Now, it's time to refresh our visible brand identity to mark the progress we've made. It represents the very core of Delta people who are more passionate than ever to provide our customers with the very best experience possible."
From this statement, the logo changes everything, correct? All Delta employees, those remaining after layoffs who have taken pay cuts themselves, will be much happier, right? Aircraft will be much cleaner and in and out of gates on time, no?
I see no need for this. The physical airplane is the last step of the customer experience with the airlines. And my only close-up view of the airplane is very limited, when I am at the gate just about to board the plane. Sure, I may see other planes out the window of the plane I am currently on, but do I look out and say, "oh, I want to fly that airline, they have cooler colors?" By the time I am on the plane, I have made my decision who to fly, paid for my ticket and am ready to get to my destination.
I see the airline industry in line with the retail banking industry, where they change names, rebrand, throw big parties, but what really changes? Is service improved, both in quality and cost of delivery? Can I get personalized service and have a personal relationship with either? How will a new logo on a sign in an airport and a new coat of paint on a plane make a difference to me, the consumer?
Delta isn't the only one guilty of this. When US Airways merged with America West, the combined airline decaled planes with the "throwback" logos of the airlines that merged to make US Airways. Even frugal Southwest repainted the majority of their planes from desert colors to blue. Once again, the painter and signmaker are the ones who truly benefit from these changes, just as in banking.
Now I am waiting for Hugo Chavez and his Citgo to challenge Delta on the similarities of their new logo to his longstanding one!
Business • Diversions • (7) Comments • PermalinkPalm Tells Customers to Talk to the Hand
If you own a Palm Treo 680, or any other model, you may want to check the CD that came with your device and make sure that it works. If so, make a backup copy of your CD and keep it in a safe place, as you won’t be able to get a replacement copy.
Every year I completely rebuild my PC – stripping off all files and reinstalling Windows and all software individually. I do this because I need to, as my machine starts chugging to a crawl and this complete refresh allows me to use a clean and fast running PC. One of the first programs I installed was the Palm Desktop and sync software, necessary for moving files from my Treo to my PC and synchronizing all calendar and contact information. When I put in the CD for the Palm Desktop that came with my Treo, my PC couldn’t read it. Shocked, I tried it on a number of other PCs at the office, and none could read it. I then went to the Palm Web site and downloaded a copy of the Palm Desktop and installed it, synced and had all of my data in place, or so I thought.
The version of the Palm Desktop that came on the CD is a more advanced version that what I could get online, and upon further check I could not even download this advanced version from their Web site! I first discovered this as media files – photos and videos – that I took with the camera function of the Treo were not on my PC after a sync.
I then went back to Palm’s Web site and submitted a help request to have them send me a new CD, and they responded that they do not have replacement CDs, told me to download and install the less advanced version and acknowledged that it would not sync media files. The message concluded that they wanted to be sure this issue was resolved, they would be sending me a satisfaction survey, and that I was not allowed to post their response on any public forum.
So I responded that this was unacceptable, and that I am awaiting a replacement CD. I am being courteous and not posting their verbatim message, and of course I have yet to receive the survey. In the meantime, does anyone out there have a Treo 680 and may have a CD for it that they could copy from me? Of course, I would be willing to bet that doing so violates the license of the software, but this violation is nothing compared to what Palm has done to me.
Business • Technology • (2) Comments • PermalinkDon’t Forget Google Alerts
Just when I think I have caught up with what I need to accomplish in a day, I find I have to go to Google and learn about something new they have released, whether it’s a beta version or an enhancement to a beta or... well, you get the picture. As much as it’s nice to see what is new from the search giant, there’s a service they offer that I feel some may have forgotten about – Google Alerts.
A Google Alert is an email sent with new search results based on selected keywords. If there are search results from Web sites, news, groups or blogs that day for whatever keywords you select, you will get a digest email with links to those Web sites. If not, you don’t get an email. Emails can be sent as links are found, daily or weekly. This service is free, and you can have multiple alerts for different keywords.
I have Google Alerts setup for my name and the names of my business, my wife and some clients. It is good for monitoring your brand, domain names as well as your competitors, favorite sports team, type of food – the options are unlimited. It is another tool in my toolbox of services I use regularly to manage my business. It may not be the latest and greatest from Google, but it is a core service that should not be forgotten.
Business • (4) Comments • Permalink
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