Mike Maddaloni On Finding Favorites Podcast

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 08:08 PM with 0 comments

screenshot of Finding Favorites podcast

I had the honor to be included in the Best of 2024 with Your Favorites episode of Finding Favorites, a podcast by Leah Jones.

What’s interesting about my appearance is that I had never heard Leah’s podcast before, namely as I didn’t know she did it! I saw her post on LinkedIn where she invited people to submit a recorded voice memo for this end of year compilation, something she has done for the past several years. Needless to say, I am a new subscriber to her podcast and am going back to listen to old episodes as well.

Finding Favorites is a show where Leah interviews people and asks them their favorite things, and then explores how they came about them. She includes in the description “without an algorithm” which I love, especially as much of what we think we are discovering online is likely fed to us via an algorithm of some form or another. The irony in this is that LinkedIn’s algo presented to me Leah’s post on submitting to this episode.

When she introduced me, Leah referred to me as, “one of the OG’s of Chicago Twitter,” and I smiled when she said that. Back in the late 2000’s when Twitter was becoming a social media platform of choice, I spent a lot of time on it. An awful lot of time on it. But it was time I considered well spent, as it expanded my social circles and I met many people I still keep in touch with today. It exposed me to much of what was going on in Chicago, both good and bad. Those early days were when people really wanted to connect with others, and I met many people through “Tweetups” – where people would connect online and decide to meet at a local bar or venue to get to know each other in person. Where I am no longer on Twitter for reasons I went into depth previously, I remember fondly those early days.

You can listen to the Best of 2024 episode of Finding Favorites here, and hear what my favorites were. You can also find the podcast on your favorite podcast app. Mine were a little more of a departure from what others posted, but those disconnected times and spending time with my family were truly highlights of my year.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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