My Takeaways from The 10Ks Of Personal Branding

By Mike Maddaloni on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 03:56 PM with 0 comments

photo of the back cover of The 10Ks of Personal Branding by Kaplan Mobray

Though personal branding has always been around, its focus has been amplified thanks to the Internet. Previously someone was only concerned with how they were perceived locally within their community where today this community has a much larger reach. Just as it is something you would always be aware of and modify as necessary, the attention to it, just like the reach, is now much greater.

With this in mind I picked up the copy of The 10Ks of Personal Branding by Kaplan Mobray I already owned, but never read. When I did I didn’t feel I had a need to make major changes to my personal brand, however I hadn’t done any significant review of it for a while, plus I was curious of what the “10Ks” were and what I would take away from this book. I share my takeaways here.

Simplify Your Message – The idea of an “elevator pitch” is to describe yourself in the few seconds of an elevator ride. I’ve had various pitches over the years, changing the approach I used based on various factors. In The 10Ks it talked about taking a more simpler approach in talking about yourself instead of using buzzwords, industry jargon or other lofty terms. The book also breaks this down and has workbook-like tools to take you through the process, which was helpful in coming up with what I have used and has been well received.

Practice Makes Perfect – Many times we put something out there, but do we really get the feedback we need on it? The time before when I created an “elevator pitch” it worked well in writing, but when I actually spoke it for the first time, not only did it get an odd reaction from the people I said it to but it was awkward even for me to say it. When I created the new one after reading The 10Ks I practiced it aloud many times and on friendly audiences before I tried it on strangers. This helped ensuring what I said was natural and effective.

The Big Picture of Personal Branding – When I first became aware of personal branding, it was not from taking a class but from observing others and learning by example and application. The 10Ks of Personal Branding lays it all out well, from understanding it to developing it to living it. Having this kind of end-to-end resource is helpful in evaluating and changing your own brand over time.

Don’t Judge a Book by Who Gives it to You – As I mentioned I had this book before I actually cracked it open. It was given to me by a former manager that I previously talked about as one of my worst managers and for that reason it simply sat on my shelf for years. Where I can’t say I my opinion of this manager changed because I enjoyed the book, it’s a reminder to judge something based on its own merits.

The 10Ks of Personal Branding is a good, energetic read that gives you a little kick as you are reading Mobray’s personal life stories and working through the exercises in the book to create and refine your own personal brand. For these reasons I recommend it to anyone, whether in business or not, who wants to pursue a new or refine their current personal branding. As I give away all the books I read, I will send this book to the first person who contacts me through comments to this post and asks for it.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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