Remembering Reacting to 9/11

By Mike Maddaloni on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 08:46 AM with 0 comments

USA RibbonIt is hard to think it has been 6 years since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington and what could have been of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. I was sitting in my office in Boston’s Back Bay, in the shadows of the city’s second tallest building, where a few miles away the 2 planes that were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center originated.

Information slowly came in what had happened and I tried to bring up news Web sites, but as everybody else was trying to do the same, every Web site for CNN and FOX News to the Boston Globe were unresponsive. I then called and emailed friends who work in Manhattan, some I heard from right away, some I did not. As the story of a small plane hitting one of the towers changed to both towers being hit by jet aircraft, we were told to go home. I called friends and family in Boston and, due to a reason I don’t recall why I drove to work that day, I gave several people a ride out of the city. As I sat and stared at the TV the rest of the day from home, I connected with friends and family near and far.

As much as we can prepare for all that life throws at us, things happen that we are not prepared for at all or happen in a way that we could have never anticipated. So we react, and hopefully learn from it and let it affect how we prepare for the future. We never forget what happened, and in turn help those who didn’t experience it themselves to understand and learn as well.

This is from The Hot Iron, a journal on business and technology by Mike Maddaloni.

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